
Journal Articles

77. A. A. Jan, J. Kim, U. Kim, S. Kim, and S. Kim, “Shape Memory Vitrimer for Reversible Dry Adhesion Enabled by Multiscale Reprocessing and Shape Fixing”, ACS Materials Letters, 7, 385 (2025).

76. A. A. Jan, S. Kim, and S. Kim, “A Micro-Dome Array Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Nanocomposite Dielectric Enhancement Layer for Wearable Pressure Sensing and Gait Analysis”, Soft Matter, 20, 6558 (2024).  

75. A. A. Jan, S. Kim, and S. Kim, “A Skin-Wearable and Self-Powered Laminated Pressure Sensor Based on Triboelectric Nanogenerator For Monitoring Human Motion”, Soft Science, 4, 10 (2024). 

74. I.R. Jang, J. Yea, K.J. Park, U. Kim, K.-I. Jang, N. Kim, S. Kim, H.J. Kim, and H. Keum, “Heterogeneous Material Integration via Autogenous Transfer Printing Using a Graphene Oxide Release Layer”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 7, 1, 1019 (2024). 

73. J. Kim*, C. Son*, S. Lee, and S. Kim, “A Single Microtip Shape Memory Polymer Surface with Reversible Dry Adhesion for Transfer Printing,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 2301468 (2024) *equally contributing authors

72. C. Son, Z. Yang, S. Kim, P.M. Ferreira, J. Feng, and S. Kim, “Bidirectional Droplet Manipulation on Magnetically Actuated Superhydrophobic Ratchet Surfaces,” ACS Nano, 17, 23702 (2023)

71. S. Lee, C. So, K.M. Sim, C. Son, D.S. Chung, and S. Kim, “Ultrathin, Flexible, and Reusable Silicon Shadow Masks Manipulated via Transfer Printing,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 8, 2300721 (2023).

70. C. Son, S. Lee, P.M. Ferreira, and S. Kim, "Dual Coil Patterned Ultra-Thin Silicon Film Enable by Double-Sided Process," Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10, 23001 (2023).

69. C. Son, S. Jeong, S. Lee, P.M. Ferreira, and S. Kim, "Tunable Adhesion of Shape Memory Polymer Dry Adhesive Soft Robotic Gripper via Stiffness Control," Robotics, 12, 59 (2023).

68. J. Park, Y. Zhang, B. Xu, and S. Kim, "Pattern transfer of thin membranes using controlled interfacial force for integrated functional systems," Nature Communications, 12, 6882 (2021).

67. N. Lorwanishpaisarn, P. Kasemsiri, N. Srikhao, C. Son, S. Kim, S. Theerakulpisut, P. Chindaprasirt, "Carbon fiber/epoxy vitrimer composite patch cured agents for one-step repair metallic sheet and its recyclability," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138, 51406 (2021).

66. C. Son, S. Kim, "Dual adaptation of a flexible shape memory polymer adhesive," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, 23, 27656-27662 (2021).

65. C. Son, B. Ji, J. Park, J. Feng, S. Kim, "A Magnetically Actuated Superhydrophobic Ratchet Surface for Droplet Manipulation," Micromachines, 12(3), 325 (2021).

64. M.J. Hoque, X Yan, H Keum, L Li, H Cha, JK Park, S Kim, N Miljkovic, "High-Throughput Stamping of Hybrid Functional Surfaces," Langmuir, 36 (21), 5730-5744 (2020).

63. R. Potekin, K. Asadi, S. Kim, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, H. Cho, "Ultrabroadband Microresonators with Geometrically Nonlinear Stiffness and Dissipation," Physical Review Applied, 13, 014011 (2020).

62. J. Park, K. Nan, H. Luan, N. Zheng, S. Zhao, H. Zhang, X. Cheng, H. Wang, K. Li, T. Xie, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, S. Kim, J.A. Rogers, “Remotely Triggered Assembly of 3D Mesostructures Through Shape-Memory Effects," Advanced Materials, 31, 52, 1905715 (2019).

61. Z. Yang, N. Ismail, C. Son, P. Ferreira, and S. Kim, “Broadband, Tunable, Miniaturized Vibration Energy Harvester Using Nonlinear Elastomer Beams and Stretchable Interconnects,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 4, 12 (2019).

60. S. Kim, “Micro-LEGO for MEMS,” Micromachines, 10, 267 (2019).

59. J. Park and S. Kim, “Three-Dimensional Structured Flexible Fog Harvesting Surfaces Inspired by Namib Desert Beetles,” Micromachines, 10, 201 (2019).

58. J. Park, J. Eisenhaure, and S. Kim, “Reversible underwater dry adhesion of a shape memory polymer,” Advanced Materials Interfaces, 6, 1801542 (2019).

57. H. Keum*, Y. Jiang*, J. Park*, J.C. Flanagan, M. Shim+, and S. Kim+, “Photoresist Contact Patterning of Quantum Dot Films,” ACS Nano, 12, 10024-10031 (2018) *equally contributing authors +co-corresponding authors.

56. S. Dharmasena, Z. Yang, S. Kim, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, H. Cho, “Ultimate Decoupling between Surface Topography and Material Functionality in Atomic Force Microscopy Using an Inner-paddled Cantilever,” ACS Nano, 12, 5559-5569 (2018).

55. H. Keum, J. Park, and S. Kim, “Micro-Lego of 3D SU-8 structures and its application to a re-entrant surface,” Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 14, 17-23 (2018).

54. R. Potekin, S. Dharmasena, H. Keum, X. Jiang, J. Lee, S. Kim, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, and H. Cho, “Multifrequency Atomic Force Microscopy Based on Enhanced Internal Resonance of an Inner-Paddled Cantilever,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 273, 206-220 (2018).

53. R. Potekin, S. Kim, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, H. Cho, and A.F. Vakakis, “A micromechanical mass sensing method based on amplitude tracking within an ultrawide broadband resonance,” Nonlinear Dynamics, 92, 287-304 (2018).

52. Z. Yang, J. Park, and S. Kim, “Magnetically Responsive Elastomer-Silicon Hybrid Surfaces for Fluid and Light Manipulation,” Small, 14, 1702839 (2018).

51. Z. Yang, R. Potekin, A. Vakakis, and S. Kim, “A Spring-Mass System with Elastomeric Beams and Stretchable Interconnects,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28, 014003 (2018).

50. J. Eisenhaure and S. Kim, “High-Strain Shape Memory Polymers as Practical Dry Adhesives,” International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 81, 74-78 (2018).

49. Y. Kim, J. Kim, B.-K. Kim, H.-J. Kim, S. Kim, E. Kim, J.-H. Hwang, and S. Park, “Application of Flash Lamp Annealing on Nitrogen-Doped Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 6, 778-785 (2017).

48. J. Park, Z. Yang, and S. Kim, “Black Silicon/Elastomer Composite Surface with Switchable Wettability and Adhesion between Lotus and Rose Petal Effects by Mechanical Strain,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 33333–33340 (2017).

47. J. Park and S. Kim, “Droplet Manipulation on A Structured Shape Memory Polymer Surface,” Lab on a Chip, 17, 1793-1801 (2017).

46. J. Eisenhaure and S. Kim, “A Review of the State of Dry Adhesives: Biomimetic Structures and the Alternative Designs They Inspire,” Micromachines, 8, 125-1-125-38 (2017).

45. Y. Kim, S. Park, S. Kim, B.-K. Kim, Y. Choi, J.-H. Hwang, H.J. Kim, “Flash lamp annealing of indium tin oxide thin-films deposited on polyimide backplanes,” Thin Solid Films, 628, 88-95 (2017).

44. Z. Yang and S. Kim, “Positioning Errors in Transfer Printing-Based Microassembly,” Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics, 12, 53-64 (2017).

43. H. Keum, Y. Jiang, J. Park, J. C. Flanagan, M. Shim, and S. Kim, “Solvent-Free Patterning of Colloidal Quantum Dot Films Utilizing Shape Memory Polymers,” Micromachines, 8, 18 (2017).

42. J. Eisenhaure and S. Kim, “Laser-Driven Shape Memory Effect for Transfer Printing Combining Parallelism with Individual Object Control,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 1, 1600098 (2016).

41. J. Seo, J. Eisenhaure, and S. Kim, “Micro-Wedge Array Surface of A Shape Memory Polymer as A Reversible Dry Adhesive,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9, 207 (2016).

40. H. Keum, Z. Yang, K. Han, D.E. Handler, T.N. Nguyen, J. Schutt-Aine, G. Bahl, and S. Kim, “Microassembly of Heterogeneous Materials using Transfer Printing and Thermal Processing,” Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 29925 (2016).

39. S. Kim, “Lego-Like Mioassembly Using Reversible Dry Adhesion,” IEEE Potentials, 35, 4, 14 (2016).

38. S. Lee, B. Kang, H. Keum, N. Ahmed, J.A. Rogers, P.M. Ferreira, S. Kim*, and B Min*, “Heterogeneously Assembled Metamaterials and Metadevices via 3D Modular Transfer Printing,” Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 27621 (2016) *co-corresponding authors.

37. A. Bhaswara, H. Keum, F. Mathieu, B. Legrand, S. Kim, L. Nicu, and T. Leichle, “A Simple Fabrication Process based on Micro-Masonry for the Realization of Nanoplate Resonators with Integrated Actuation and Detection Schemes,” Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, section Micro- and Nanoelectromechanical Systems, 01 March (2016).

36. Z. Yang, Q. Chen, A.E. Elbanna, and S. Kim, “Transfer printing enabled soft composite films for tunable surface topography,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 7, 145 (2016).

35. B. Jeong, C. Pettit, S. Dharmasena, H. Keum, J. Lee, J. Kim, S. Kim, D.M. McFarland, L.A. Bergman, A.F. Vakakis, and H. Cho, “Utilizing Intentional Internal Resonance to Achieve Multi-Harmonic Atomic Force Microscopy,” Nanotechnology, 27, 125501 (2016).

34. J. Eisenhaure, S.I. Rhee, A.M. Al-okaily, A. Carlson, P.M. Ferreira, and S. Kim, “The Use of Shape Memory Polymers for MEMS Assembly,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 25, 69 (2016).

33. Z. Yang, B. Jeong, A. Vakakis, and S. Kim, “A Tip-Tilt-Piston Micromirror with An Elastomeric Universal Joint Fabricated via Micro-Masonry,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems Letters, 24, 262 (2015).

32. Y. Xue, Y. Zhang, X. Feng, S. Kim, J.A. Rogers, and Y. Huang, “A theoretical model of reversible adhesion in shape memory surface relief structures and its application in transfer printing,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 77, 27 (2015).

31. H. Ning*, N.A. Krueger*, X. Sheng, H. Keum, C. Zhang, K.D. Choquette, X. Li, S. Kim, J.A. Rogers, and P.V. Braun, “Transfer printing of tunable porous silicon microcavities with embedded emitters,” ACS Photonics, 1, 1144 (2014) *equally contributing authors.

30. B. Jeong, H. Cho, H. Keum, S. Kim, D.M McFarland, L.A. Bergman, W.P. King, and A.F. Vakakis, “Complex Nonlinear Dynamics in the Limit of Weak Coupling of a System of Microcantilevers Connected by a Geometrically Nonlinear Tunable Nanomembrane,” Nanotechnology, 25, 465501 (2014).

29. A. Bhaswara, H. Keum, S. Rhee, B. Legrand, F. Mathieu, S. Kim, L. Nicu, and T. Leichle, “Fabrication of Nanoplate Resonating Structures via Micro-Masonry,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, 115012 (2014).

28. J. Eisenhaure, S.I. Rhee, A.M. Al-okaily, A. Carlson, P.M. Ferreira, and S. Kim, “The Use of Shape Memory Polymers for Microassembly by Transfer Printing,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems Letters, 23, 1012 (2014).

27. J. Eisenhaure and S. Kim, “An Internally Heated Shape Memory Polymer Dry Adhesive,” Polymers, 6, 2274 (2014).

26. H. Keum and S. Kim, “Micro-Masonry for 3D Additive Micromanufacturing,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 90, e51974 (2014).

25. Y. Zhang, H. Keum, K. Park, R. Bashir, and S. Kim, “Micro-Masonry of MEMS Sensors and Actuators,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23, 308 (2014).

24. J. Eisenhaure, T. Xie, S. Varghese, and S. Kim, “Microstructured Shape Memory Polymer Surfaces with Reversible Dry Adhesion,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 5, 7714 (2013).

23. H. Keum*, H.-J. Chung*, and S. Kim, “Electrical Contact at The Interface between Silicon and Transfer-Printed Gold Films by Eutectic Joining,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 5, 6061 (2013) *equally contributing authors.

22. J.-W. Jeong, B. Park, H. Keum, S. Kim, J. A. Rogers, and O. Solgaard, “Two-Axis MEMS Scanner with TransferPrinted High-Reflectivity, Broadband Monolithic Silicon Photonic Crystal Mirrors,” Optics Express, 21, 13800 (2013).

21. H. Keum, M. Seong, S. Sinha, and S. Kim, “Electrostatically Driven Collapsible Au Thin Films Assembled Using Transfer Printing for Thermal Switching,” Applied Physics Letters, 100, 211904 (2012).

20. H. Keum, A. Carlson, H. Ning, A. Mihi, J. Eisenhaure, P.V. Braun, J.A. Rogers, S. Kim, “Silicon Micro-Masonry Using Elastomeric Stamps for Three-Dimensional Microfabrication,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20, 055018 (2012).

19. H. Cheng, M. Li, J. Wu, A. Carlson, S. Kim, Y. Huang, Z. Kang, K.-C. Hwang, and J.A. Rogers, “A Viscoelastic Model for the Rate Effect in Transfer Printing,” Journal of Applied Mechanics -Transactions of the ASME, 80, 041019 (2012).

18. Y. Su, Z. Liu, S. Kim, J. Wu, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Mechanics of stretchable electronics with high fill factors,” International Journal of Solids & Structures, 49, 3416 (2012).

17. S. Kim*, A. Carlson*, H. Cheng, S. Lee, J.-K. Park, Y. Huang, J.A. Rogers, “Enhanced Adhesion With PedestalShaped Elastomeric Stamps for Transfer Printing,” Applied Physics Letters, 100, 171909 (2012). *equally contributing authors.

16. S.Y. Yang, A. Carlson, H. Cheng, Q. Yu, N. Ahmed, J. Wu, S. Kim, M. Sitti, P.M. Ferreira, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Elastomer surfaces with directionally dependent adhesion strength and their use in transfer printing with continuous roll-to-roll applications,” Advanced Materials, 24, 2117 (2012).

15. H. Yang, D. Zhao, J.-H. Seo, S. Chuwongin, S. Kim, J.A. Rogers, Z. Ma, and W. Zhou, “Broadband Membrane Reflectors on Glass,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, 476 (2012).

14. S. Kim, Y. Su, A. Mihi, S. Lee, Z. Liu, T.K. Bhandakkar, J. Wu, J.B. Geddes III, H.T. Johnson, Y. Zhang, J.-K. Park, P.V. Braun, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Imbricate Scales as a Design Construct for Microsystems Technologies,” Small, 8, 901 (2012).

13. Y. Meguc, S. Yang, S. Kim, J.A. Rogers, and M. Sitti, “Gecko Inspired Controllable Adhesive Structures Applied to Micromanipulation,” Advanced Functional Materials, 22, 1245 (2012).

12. J. Wu, S. Kim, A. Carlson, C.F. Lu, K.-C. Hwang, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, "Contact Radius of Stamps in Reversible Adhesion," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 1, 011001 (2011).

11. D. Oh*, S. Kim*, S. Sinha, J.A. Rogers, and D. Cahill, “Interfacial thermal conductance of transfer-printed metal films,” Advanced Materials, 23, 5028 (2011) *equally contributing authors.

10. J. Wu, S. Kim, W. Chen, A. Carlson, K.-C. Hwang, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Mechanics of Reversible Adhesion,” Soft Matter, 7, 8657 (2011).

9. H. Kim, E. Brueckner, J. Song, Y. Li, S. Kim, C. Lu, J. Sulkin, K. Choquette, Y. Huang, R.G. Nuzzo, and J.A. Rogers, “Unusual strategies for using indium gallium nitride grown on silicon (111) for solid-state lighting,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 108, 10072 (2011).

8. S. Kim, J. Wu, A. Carlson, S.H. Jin, A. Kovalsky, P. Glass, Z. Liu, N. Ahmed, S.L. Elgan, W. Chen, P.M. Ferreira, M. Sitti, Y. Huang, and J.A. Rogers, “Microstructured elastomeric surfaces with reversible adhesion and an example of their use in deterministic assembly by transfer printing,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 107, 17095 (2010).

7. S. Kim, M. Sitti, T. Xie, and X. Xiao, “Reversible dry micro-fibrillar adhesives with thermally controllable adhesion,” Soft Matter, 5, 3689 (2009).

6. S. Kim, E. Cheung, and M. Sitti, “Wet self-cleaning of biologically inspired elastomer mushroom shaped microfibrillar adhesives,” Langmuir, 25, 7196 (2009).

5. M.P. Murphy, S. Kim, and M. Sitti, “Enhanced adhesion by gecko-inspired hierarchical fibrillar adhesives,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 1, 849 (2009).

4. R. Long, C.-Y. Hui, S. Kim, and M. Sitti, “Modeling the soft backing layer thickness effect on adhesion of elastic microfiber arrays,” Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 044301 (2008).

3. S. Kim, B. Aksak, and M. Sitti, “Enhanced friction of elastomer microfiber adhesives with spatulate tips,” Applied Physics Letters, 91, 221913 (2007).

2. S. Kim, M. Sitti, C.-Y. Hui, R. Long, and A. Jagota, “Effect of backing layer thickness on adhesion of singlelevel elastomer fiber arrays,” Applied Physics Letters, 91, 161905 (2007).

1. S. Kim and M. Sitti, “Biologically inspired polymer microfibers with spatulate tips as repeatable fibrillar adhesives,” Applied Physics Letters, 89, 261911 (2006).